Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Hauerwas The Church as God's New Languag

According to Hauerwas...
1. Pentacost is a main point in the narrative of God. It all goes back to Babel when people did not attribute thier power and gifts to God and lost a common language. Pentacost and the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus reUNITE human beings so they have through the holy spirit and Jesus they have a community with a simlilar "language." ->Church

2.The Church's main purpose is to humbly give WITNESS to the story of Jesus. I use the word witness because the church tells of the presence of Christ and is the indirect presence of Christ in the World.

3.The Church is God's creation/agent for the unity of humanity. It through the help of the holy spirit creates community that help recognize the others as "other" and still accept them as a part of the narrative of Christ.

4. The narrative of Christ is only as good as the where, how and who that tell the story.

Hauerwas states the necessity of Church to tell the story of Christ so can there be a possibility that the church stops producing saints? Would Hauerwas say itis possible?

I think that sadly it is possible. Though the church has a lot on its side to keep it from falling. The reason humanity fell the first time at Babel was because it did not give God the recognition he needed. In Babel humankind went to a level where they realized that through cooperation they can acheive anything but did not realize the can do this because of the power of God and the gifts that he gave them. So he made them realize that they are his creatures and that we need to be humble in our everday lives especially in our relationship with him.

Though the church now also has the example of Jesus on thier side from becoming to big headed. "For how can we be prideful when the very God we worship is most fully manifest on a cross." As the church since our mission is to retell that story of Christ in our lives and through our actions then we are constantly reminded to keep with the mission of Christ and to become such awesome lovers that we are willing to give our lives for others. Also in our aspect of church we have church leaders who live and act in a way to preach and tell stories of there own lives so we not only have examples and exemplars from the past but we have current preachers and friends constantly working and liveing the narrative of Jesus.

Finally on the Church's side for not falling is the grace given by God through the Holy Spirit to manifest the word into peoples hearts. The Holy Spirit is the presence of God in this world to keep renewing his people to the story. The Holy Spirit in the historical and everlasting event of Pentacost creates a way for the people of God to unify themselves in Church because now they all have one langauge in the History of Jesus Christ.

So yes it is possible for the church to become an empty vessel that has no heart and changes no one but it would have to completely go against God, his story, his Son, and his Spirit to do so.

What about those people who are not Christian how do they fit into this plan?
And if pentacost and the church can be the alternative to war... does that mean that these non christians are not apart of that peace promise and if some are not apart of the peace plan can peace really be attainable?

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